The Adventure's of the Dicksons

Sunday, June 14, 2009

37 weeks and nearly there!

Paul just couldn't manage doing a serious photo shoot! At least he let me still be in the photo;)

I know getting pretty big now but fortunately not as big as I thought I would be at this late stage. Things are going fairly well although I am getting really tired now. I think the babies head is starting to go downward which is making it harder to walk, get up and pretty much do anything other than lie in one position! Luckily I only have one more week of work and than hopefully I can be lazy for a bit before the little one comes along. We are starting to get really excited and are nearly prepared...or as prepared as you can be for a newborn.
I can't believe we got this far into the pregnancy and have not taken any photos of us here is our first family photo:)

Sunday, June 07, 2009

I do love penguins... they are so adaptable!!!
