The Adventure's of the Dicksons

Sunday, April 19, 2009

There's a moose loose aboot oor hoose!!!

This week has been filled with tales of injury, as Megan seems to now have lost all control of her limbs, with her lack of co-ordination meaning every second word she says is now OW usually!!
To explain a recent incident of note for you, Megan was trying to set up a play mat for some friends coming over, for their child not them of course, when she had an accident! She just had to put a bendy pole in one side and curve it to the other corner, when she once again lost all control and it pinged back and hit her in her face.... stop smiling it was not funny... well not for her anyway 8-) But that is the example of the what I have to deal with, which I guess is all good training for our child, who will no doubt inherit the Megan Ow gene!
We have decided therefore that she needs to be either wrapped in bubble wrap, or we are going to have to fit some protection for the bump... so after various attempts I think we have one:

Last week we experienced our own episode of Tom and Jerry, as one night without being woken up, the cat had managed to find a mouse that had got into the house. Now cats will be cats and after turning over chairs and everything, the only sign of a mouse being present were two little streaks of blood. We found the poor little fella bleeding in a corner and after a last ditCheck Spellingch suicide bid when we tried to pick it up, we let it go outside.... cover the kids eyes.... it only got a few steps before it collapsed and died!! Anyway the very next night I am woken by the cat again making strange noises, well it was half cat and half very high pitched squeal! Megan and I went down to investigate and were treated to the sight.... again kid eye covering time... of an even bigger mouse and a huge pile of blood on the floor and (rather more strangely) the wall!! The mouse was once again rescued, but again like the other, it jumped away too quickly and disappeared without trace.... that was a week and a half ago and it was not until Megan let our a scream just yesterday, that we spotted a tail sticking out from under the dinner table which we had eaten at not long before...... now it really is time to cover the kids eyes... or just say it's sleeping..... as when the table was moved it revealed....

So that was our adventure for the week, with us all being fine other than that. Megan is doing well, a few stretching pains, but she is taking it all in her stride.... or taking it in her waddle I should say!
Well time to go again, but we hope that Jody had a great birthday and that she got our card safely.
Take care all and we will be in touch soon.
Lots of Love Us


Blogger Jody McComas said...

What a traumatic week for all the mice. I did have a fantastic birthday and Matt did a good job spoiling me. Thanks for the card! It was the first one to arrive. You guys are on the ball. Love you guys!

1:45 PM  

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