The Adventure's of the Dicksons

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Week 27!

Here we are in week 27 of our seemingly never ending adventure, as mother ship Megan takes her regular well earned nap, foolishly leaving Paul alone with access to the laptop to update the blog!!!!

Megan and the bump are good... very much alive and kicking you might say... much to Megan's annoyance when she is woken up yet again when baby Ethel (what I like it!!! heh heh) gets a little too over excited. I think she is just lacking space in there, although it could also be down to the fact that her silly daddy likes to interact by using a hi-tech type of morse code.... poking the belly! I do hope that Megan doesn't get too much bigger though, as although she is even more beautiful than ever right now, if that bump gets any bigger I will eventually have to move permanently from our bed to a tent outside.... not that Megan would notice as she struggles to see what is going on in the world beyond the belly even now!

But really she is doing great and I am very proud of her, I don't know if I would like to have Bruce Lee inside me for months on end. Seemingly according to the books it could be hiccups making junior move so much, which leads me to suspect Megan may have turned to secretly drinking behind my back to help her put up with me and get through the pregnancy... well it's possible as Megan is becoming more Scottish by the day now! That reminds me, I used to think that I was special being married to an American here, but you people are everywhere now, it's like an invasion... LEAVE OUR OIL ALONE 8-) Maybe it is due to 2009 being our homecoming year, you may have seen the advert on TV, but just in case you missed it here it is. Now even I have no idea who half of the Scots even are, but Sir Sean Connery trying to sing always makes me laugh!

Anyway I have bored you enough now, I think I will go off and wake up Ethel for a game of lets see who can jab Mummy's tummy the hardest.

Take care,

Love Us.

P.S Matt and Jody, very excited that your are getting more serious on the adoption possibilities, I think it is a great idea and I am sure the new baby will be a special addition to your loving family... that is once Jenna the fashion diva finally picks if she would prefer a brother or sister... you never know you may get lucky enough to be blessed with one of each and get twins. Oooohh then you could name them Maverick and Mavericka woo hoo!!!


Blogger Jody McComas said...

Paul, you are a funny one! I like Mavericka, we could call her Mava for a shorter version.

4:25 PM  

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