The Adventure's of the Dicksons

Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Sun has got his hat on!!!

Hip hip hip hooray for once it is sunny here today.... Hi all it is Paul here, as Megan is being even more of an amazing wife today and is cleaning (she is my hero as I am just useless when it comes to cleaning, well unless guy clean counts!).
I am feeling slightly under the weather today, a cross between the good old man flu and being caught in a cloud of dust (Megan is either cleaning really fast like Superwoman or maybe it is just that she is not my hero all that often heh heh!).
Either way it means that on these rare occasions that the sun makes a brief appearance in our otherwise wet exisitance, it makes me feel even more alive... even thought every breath is so hard to take when your ill.... sorry that will be that man flu coming out again.

This week in our lives here in Scotland has been fairly uneventful, although my Dad was finally given a followup to his operation done ages ago (the NHS may be free here, but aftercare is not really a priority seemingly). The good news was that they found out that he looks to be recovering well, although in finding this out it means his main issue is that he is occasionally just a grumpy old man (you know it is true Mum and Dad if you are reading this).

Megan and I have been working flat out at the moment, which makes it seem like we do not see much of each other apart from weekends. This is when we like to spend time together, well I say together as Megan spends more time in bed than with me usually. I do not know how anyone can sleep that long, it is like she is in a coma! In fact I have just realised that she may well be the real life Sleeping Beauty, although with less dwarfs of course and also she wishes that she could get birds and other animals to clean for her.

Other than that we seem to be gaining a second cat, as the family that used to own the house were moving to Australia and so gave their cat to the neighbours a few doors up. This means that the poor cat is really confused as it keeps coming back to our house, much to Veto's disgust.
This cat is so cute, however is the loudest cat I have ever heard. We can hear it meow from our bedroom upstairs with the window closed.

Well that is us for this week, I guess I have to go to Ikea now as Megan wants to go and buy a spotangsuhdkdudkdu I think... yet another flat pack mystery as far as I am concerned. Megan does the DIY... come to me and I will bake you a cake or make you look pretty. What I am in touch with my feminine side is that wrong heh heh!?

Lots of love from both of us and of course wish Matt all the best on his birthday this week, the big 30 eh.... I am not too far off that myself as Megan takes great pleasure in reminding me! Anyway we hope you have a great day, did you get our card yet at all?

Take care love us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I'm glad that Matt is finally going to join me in the
30's. It's a great place to be! I'm glad that the sun is shining. Tell Megan to stop cleaning and go outside and enjoy it. Love you guys.


8:10 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

8:10 PM  

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