The Adventure's of the Dicksons

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Megan is back from the dead

Hi everyone (Matt and Jody because you are the only people who read this!). Well Paul and I have decided to do a joint blog since he will actually update it. So this is our first post together :-)
Pink=Megan, Blue= Paul

Hi all it is me Paul, you know the handsome Scottish one who is full of himself heh heh. Here is a quick recap of the last 4 months since your Sis fell of the planet.

We are settled and happy in our new house, with all our spider friends... believe us you will understand what we mean when you guys get to come and visit! I think our house was built on an ancient mutant spider burial ground.

Megan's job is still going well, she now has more friends than me, that wouldn't be hard, as well as getting paid more (which makes me feel like less of a man, but does mean that I get to stay home and look after the kid, when the time comes don't worry we have no news. He wishes!

I still have a job, that is all I can say about that!

As of yesterday Megan traded in her car with her go faster hole in the bottom, and is now a proud owner of a 2 year old Fiat Punto Grande... it's black and pretty! It is also not grande compaired to your GIANT AMERICAN CARS!!!! But its black and pretty! However you will find it rather amusing to hear that we only paid 5000 pounds for it, it is only 2 years old and done a massive 6000 miles woo hoo!!

Please find picture above.

Other than that it rains a lot here. He is not kidding! I might go crazy! (Well crazier than she already is heh heh) True :(

We promise to keep you guys up to date more often. And it will be LEGENDARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness it's about time. I'm so glad to hear that Paul is going to be more on top of keeping us updated on your lives. I like your new car and what a great deal! And spiders, we have also lived with spiders and we're not fans. I hope you get that taken care of soon. I want to see more pictures! I know I'm the demanding one. Someone has to be. And Paul, don't worry we don't think you're less of a man because Megan makes more. That just means she should buy you more presents because she can ;) We look forward to seeing more updates on here. Love you guys!

1:25 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

I drove a Fiat Punto in Hungary once. It broke down...but don't worry it wasn't as nice as yours. It also started to rattle above 130km/hr.

Thanks for the update. You two are hilarious!

8:28 AM  

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